Author: M Asif Rahman
We Have Done It! 1 Million Facebook Fans!!
The Dhaka Times crossed the One Million Fan Mark in Facebook!
Do you know the main trick of all real good actor?…
Do you know the main trick of all real good actor? They actually never act.
Review Of Interstellar: Without The Spoiler!
Today I had the opportunity to watch ‘Interstellar’ in a special production cut version. Though it was a kind of raw 35mm screening but as its before premiere, I was delighted!
My Thoughts on Startup Taking Investment Solely For R&D
I really don’t like the idea when a ‘normal‘ startup seeks for ‘external‘ investment only for R&D. In this small post I will try to explain my points.
How WordPress Changed My Life [My Session From WordCamp SF]
I had the privilege to speak at this year’s Central WordCamp San Francisco. I spoke about “How WordPress Changed My Life From Bangladesh & Let Me Dream Big”. Here I will share my slides and evetually talk about some of my experience
Facebook & Messenger: Force Split Could Backfire Too!
If we have to open another new app for chat/msz it will not be Facebook Messenger.
Responsible Disclosure!
Who to blame? The security firm that we all love or their Responsible Disclosure?
Anger Makes You Blind & Clueless!
Let’s not act childish, and learn from example. Keep calm and control your anger! Just my thoughts, very brief.
Speaking at WordCamp Melbourne, Back in 2011!
WordCamp Melbourne was a really nice event. I had a session. I was really moved by everyone’s’ enthusiasm for WordPress, how they work for their passion.