Windows XP Tips: Can’t Open Drive, Folder And Task Manager Disabled

Its a Ridiculous Problem. Sometimes it happens in windows XP that you are not able to open drives on your hard disk. When you double clicking on the drives icons or right click on the drive>>explore in My computer ,the drive does not open.

This problem is generally caused by most of the viruses which infect windows XP system. Mostly virus infected via Pen Drive / USD Drive. They block or restrict your access to any of the drives.

And some time it block access to task maneger and you even cant access “Foleder Option” properly.

Here is Fix:

Normally when a virus infects a windows system which causes a drive opening problem, it automatically creates a file named autorun.inf in the root directory of each drive.

This autorun.inf file is a read only ,hidden and a system file and the folder option is also disabled by the virus. This is deliberately done by the virus in order to protect itself.  autorun.inf initiates all the activities that the virus performs when you try to open any drive.

You have to just delete this file and restart your system to correct this problem.

Follow the set of commands below to show and delete the autorun.inf

1. Open Start>>Run and type cmd and press enter. This will open a command prompt window. On this command prompt window type the following steps.

2. type cd\

3. type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf

4. type del autorun.inf

5. now type d: and press enter for d: drive partition. Now repeat steps 3 and 4. Similarly repeat step 5 for all your hard disk partition.

Restart your system and your trouble will be fixed.

Smart Virus Remover

Smart Virus Remover is a small program that removes 23 different viruses. It has a unique feature, it can restore your system to same condition before the virus attacked your system.

It can restore Task Manager,Registry Editor, Command Prompt, Folder Option Show Hidden Files and Folder and even all the Folder Option Settings.

It can write protect the USB drives. Just Right the Tray icon and select Enable USB Write Protect. To Disable this function again right click and select Disable USB Write Protect

But this will be not be function on Active Drive. You need to Reinsert the usb drive to get write protection or start writing.



USB Write Protect


Smart Virus Remover Smart Virus Remover (589.3 KiB, 85,710 hits)


Not able to open drives on hard disk by double click

Posted by Rohit From

Windows® XP File Association Fixes

The files listed here are all ZIP files, which contain a REG (Registry) file. Download the ZIP and open it.  Extract the REG file to your hard disk and double click it.  Answer yes to the import prompt.  REG files can be viewed in Notepad.  Each of the REG files contains the default settings for the file extension indicated.  For the ZIP file fix, the download is a REG file, since ZIP’s aren’t working anyway!

Directory Extension Fix (Restores defaults to HKCR\Directory)
Drive Association Fix (Restores default settings for hard drives)

Registry Edits for Windows XP
“Tweaks and Tips”
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Smart Virus Remover

How to Manually Remove Viruses From Your System

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5 responses to “Windows XP Tips: Can’t Open Drive, Folder And Task Manager Disabled”

  1. i have a message that “the process can not access the file cause it is being used by another person

  2. Nice tip. I wonder if you would of been able to do a System Restore and solve the issue that way.

  3. Thank you, thank you , 1000 times thanks. You are my God.

  4. Asif2BD Avatar

    Thanks “Pirsey”, pleasure is mine that i might helped you.

  5. Hey, cool tips. Perhaps I’ll buy a glass of beer to the person from that forum who told me to visit your blog 🙂

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