Warez-BB.org Seems Down For Lots, But Actually Not

Warez-BB.org Grown to worlds largest warez site abt 880K member and increasing, but its IP got messed up. Lots of ppl cant open it.

Here Is Solution

The 750.000+ members of the forum are left out in the cold as the popular warez-bb forum is down for the last 3 days. Brought down by a lawsuit, or victims of a security breach? Does anyone know what happened? If yes, please comment here!

21-10-2007 Solutions!
#1. Solution – Trying to access warez-bb through a proxy website.
Just try to access warez-bb through a proxy website, to see if warez bb blocks your ip.
1. Surf to www.schoolbuster.com or www.time2hide.com
2. Enter www.warez-bb.org in the URL box and hit enter
3. Does the website loads now? If not, read on for solution 2.

#2. Solution – Editing your hosts file to solve a DNS problem.
Warez bb just announced they had some DNS problems, which won’t let you access their forums.
2. Open the ‘hosts’ file with notepad.
3. Go to the last line and add this:


19 responses to “Warez-BB.org Seems Down For Lots, But Actually Not”

  1. Gina Romero Avatar
    Gina Romero

    If you are having issues connecting to warez-bb.org, especially if it’s a host related issue (502 error) you can use this app to resolve to another ip ( dns server) automatically, without doing anything but running this app.


    Pass: wbbfix

    Good Luck, and Remember Sharing is Caring!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. This is A fucking VIRUS !! What a shit website is this!!!!

  2. wtf do ypou send us to a fk’g red alert phising site AH???

    1. Which site are you referring?

  3. Edited my host file but still get critical error message when trying to access site. Will keep looking here for another remedy.

    1. Now the site opens fine for me. That problem been solved long ago. Its probably your local ISP block, use proxy maybe.

  4. david5589 Avatar

    you need to run the host file as admin follow this link

  5. I have been trying to open the warez web page but all it comes is internet explorer can not display this web page. every other site works other than the warez site. I tried editing my host file and it still don’t work. any other solutions?

  6. Thank you for the info.
    Gonna try them now.
    Hope WBB works

  7. when i try to safe it..then the popup said..”u don’t have permission to save this file in this location,please contact administrator to obtain permission” then what should i do??

  8. Hey,

    Forgot my pwd for awesome910 and unable to login, everytime i reset am not getting a reset mail from wbb.

    Can u suggest a moderator so cld contact them to give me access?

  9. Great post, I am going to link back to you from my blog! : )

  10. traolach Avatar

    Hi Asif2BD,My problem is that warez goes into a loop and keeps asking me to log in. i could log in 50 times but it doesn’t matter. All mylogin details are correct tnx in advance

  11. thanks, been looking all over for this download!

  12. Hey there sorry to say this don’t work no more if it did before… OCT 8

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  14. ok looking blog seen better.

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