Social Profilr Reimagined – Updated WordPress Plugin

This is an updated version of old plugin “Social Profilr”. As that plugin never updated in last 3 year, but I loved it and was using it since release. But due to lack of update and support, I have updated it with new network support and some fix.

I am using this plugin in this site.

This plugin as available free on
Social Profilr Reimagined


This plugin is a sidebar widget which will display icons for your social network sites that linkback to your social networking profiles.

There is a choice of two sizes for the icons 16×16 or 32×32. Icons have been custom designed, therefore unique. The display options are Horizontal, Vertical or Dropdown. Horiontal displays the name of the social network, Dropdown displays on hovering over the ‘SocialProfilr’ custom icon.

The style of display is unique whereby initially ‘grey’ display and hover over will display in color.

All icons have rel=nofollow, this ensures that your webpage is not leaking essential PR juice.

Now Supported Social Network List

# My Space
# Facebook
# YouTube
# Digg
# Flickr
# Stumbleupon
# Technorati
# Twitter
# LinkedIn
# Google+
# Pownce
# MyBlogLog
# Friendster
# Bebo
# FriendFeed


Modern Way:
1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard “Add New Plugin” section.
2. Search For “Social Profilr Reimagined”.
3. Install, then Activate it.

Old Way:
1. Upload the `socialprofilr` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Enabling Social Profile Link:
1. Go to “Social Profilr Reimagined” menu under setting.
2. Put your social profile identifying name or number i.e. for Twitter “Asif2BD”
3. Enable and position your widget from WordPress widget control.

You are good to go!

Frequently Asked Questions

= Does it work with old Social Profilr? =

Yes, you setting will be saved, but you need to deactivate old one and activate this new “Social Profilr Reimagined” one.

= How can I get Support? =

Use plugin support button in extended listing.


1. Vertical view
2. Horizontal view
3. Horizontal view (Complete)
4. Setup
5. Live Example At Sidebar(Horizontal view)


= 2.1.1 =
* Dropdown bug fix.
* Reduced downloadable ZIP file size by moving screenshots to “asset” folder.
* Screen Shot changed with RAW image from Twenty Twelve theme.

= 2.1 =
* Fixed Facebook profile link issue
* Now supports up-to WordPress 3.5.2

= 2.0 =
* First “Reimagined” version.
* Added Google+ profile support.
* Fix Technorati profile linking issue.

Upgrade Notice

= 2.0 =
# Disable old “Social Profilr”, install this one, follow instruction guide. Upon Activating you will get your old setting plus new network support.


You may donate to WordPress Foundation.


One response to “Social Profilr Reimagined – Updated WordPress Plugin”

  1. Donation is a good thing but if only given for the right purpose and at the right time.

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