Yes, we have also started using Buzz. For 95% of user Google made us to use it. But as we in ARCom very close with social, we started using it firstly for Today we were working on Google Buzz intregation on our site. We could manually add it to WordPress, it will be normal share button code, but if you want counter to be working it needs to be javascript. As Google still did not release any API yet, so developer used one trick, they used Google reader and api so track.
Here are best possible, so far released WordPress Plugin.
Hameedulah’s WPBuzzer is the most robust of the Google Buzz button plugins as of right now. The style of the button is almost identical to what Mashable and the Google Buzz Button use (albeit, not quite as clean), but the options are where this plugin really shines.
You can choose where you want your buttons to appear (on posts, on pages, on the home page, in your RSS feed), whether your want the button to appear before or after the post, the target for the button (a new window or a pop-up share option) and even the CSS style. You can also choose to use a small or large button.
The biggest feature is that you can track share counts (just like we do at Mashable) if you have a API key and login.
How To Manually Add Button:
Just add this code where you want Buzz to apear <?php wpbuzzer(); ?>
BTW you could configure size from plugin control
Google Buzz Button
Google Buzz is launched and many publishers, webmaster and web addicts has already started using that. If you are having a WordPress site then you can add “Google Buzz Button” thru a simple wordpress plugin to let other people share your posts on their Buzz. Google didn’t release any official button yet but we have released a WordPress plugin to add a button on a post/page. Once your visitor will click on this button, they will be taken to a page where they can add some note on your post’s link and title and share that on their Buzz. This way your post/page’s reach will increase by huge amount.
What is Google Buzz Button
Share your posts or pages and let other share that on their buzz account thru Google Buzz Button.
How to Install Google Buzz Button
- Download Google Buzz Button WordPress Plugin from WordPress Plugin Repository
- Upload in wp-content/plugins folder on your server
- Activate the plugin from Plugin Dashboard
- Done! A new Google Buzz Button will start appearing after the post content on each single page. You can customize the location of Buzz Button.
Usage of Google Buzz Button Plugin
On Google Buzz Button plugin settings panel, you can change the location of button. For example, you can place the button after or before the content of the post or page.
1. If you have selected ‘Manual Insertion’ from the Google Buzz Button settings page, then insert the below code in the WordPress Loop wherever you want
if ( function_exists( ‘add_google_buzz_button’ ) ) {
2. If you have selected ‘Before Content’ as the location of the button, which is default, then the Google Buzz button will be automatically inserted on all the posts and pages after the title and before the content.
3. If you have selected ‘After Content’ as the location of the button, which is default, then the Google Buzz button will be automatically inserted on all the posts and pages after the content.
4. The anchor tag has the class attribute as ‘google_buzz’, you can customize it with any CSS styles thru your theme template style sheet.
We had submitted this plugin on WordPress Directory for approval. It has been approved and now you can directly download the plugin from WordPress Plugin Repository.
1. Mashable : For designing very first Google Buzz Button that we have included in this plugin. Thank you Pete Cashmore of
WP Google-buzz
Another button plugin option is WP Google-buzz from Arpit Shah. This button is extremely similar to the Google Buzz Button plugin, but it adds a few more options. You can choose to show the button before or after content or to add it to posts manually, but there are also options for what style button you want to use. Depending on how you have your blog setup, you might want to use a different size or style of button.
- Show Google-buzz button before/after post content.
- Manual insertion of code: Use this: <?php if(function_exists(‘add_wp_google_buzz’)) { add_wp_google_buzz(); } ?>
- 11 different beautiful image options
- rel=”nofollow” option for buzz links
- Show/Hide option to show Google Buzz button on page
NEW feature requests: (will add these in next releases)
- Pop-up window (instead of new page)
- Counter Option
WordPress G_Buzz_Button
Adds button “Buzz this” which allows to add the reference to post in the status in Google Buzz. Dialogue of addition of the link opens in a pop-up window. Includes the counter of additions.
G_Buzz Options:
* Author: [Aronsky](
* Project URI:
* License: GPL 2. See License below for copyright jots and tittles.
Adds button «Buzz this» which allows to add the reference to post in the status in Google Buzz.
Dialogue of addition of the link opens in a pop-up window.
Includes the counter of additions.
To use G_Buzz_Button, you will need:
* an installed and configured copy of WordPress version 2.6.x, 2.5.x,
2.3.x, 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, or 1.5.x. (G_Buzz_Button will also work with
the equivalent versions of WordPress MU.)
* FTP or SFTP access to your web host
New Installations
1. Download the G_Buzz_Button archive in zip or gzipped tar format and
extract the files on your computer.
2. Create a new directory named `g_buzz` in the `wp-content/plugins`
directory of your WordPress installation. Use an FTP or SFTP client to
upload the contents of your WordPress Signaturer archive to the new directory
that you just created on your web host.
3. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard and activate the G_Buzz_Button plugin.
5. Configure the plugin and add it to the plugin settings page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why the text on button is allocated not on centre?
A: Most likely it because of a font size. Correct value «padding» in the field «Custom Text CSS» in options «Google Buzz».
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