Decoding Encoded WordPress Theme Footer

Intact Encoded Footer -Old
past footer

Changed Decoded Footer – Now
Try this only if you have rights to do that. Few days back i got license and note from Ophelia Nicholson, who designed this blog, so now I am allowed to change the footer. I already did this, Read the post here

So here is how to Decode Encoded WordPress Theme Footer

Process 1.
In site’s theme folder find index.php, then find the line that says <?php get_footer(); ?>. Above and below it add special text like this:

<!– Encoded Code Start –>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
<!– Encoded Code End –>

Now visit your site as normal, view page source ( in Firefox Right Click Select -> View Page Source), and copy the HTML between those two markers. Now Find the footer.php in your theme folder, select all existing junk encoded code and replace with the copied code. Remember to insert the before tag.

Simple & Easy.

Process 2.
Use this site, paste your encoded code and decode to base64
Visit –


43 responses to “Decoding Encoded WordPress Theme Footer”

  1. Himanshu Avatar

    Hey I don’t have an encoded footer but if i modify them they don’t allow to load website and puts a notice to add links at footer.

    I am using iMobile wp theme and I wants to remove 2 links from footer that are currently not working.

  2. I don’t know if any one have notified you but when I was searching for changing footer colour I landed on your blog and it opened as “fetch as robot”. The webpage did not open completely and everything on the page was messed up.
    However my query was if you can help me on how to change the colour of the footer in freshlife wordpress theme.

  3. Hi, the link that you are given above was dead. Please give me another link to decode, thanks

  4. Any good sounded person can remove this encryption. Do you know how make it like phoca ?
    Phoca is a plugin for Joomla , their encryption is so strong that no one has yet removed their footer links

  5. Saffyreivy Avatar

    That worked like a charm! Thank you SOOOO much.

  6. can you tell me hoew to decode this code

  7. Well this is really helpful for me. Thanks buddy..

  8. Hi Dear !
    that was great!!! tanx tanx tanx

  9. Awesome man. This is really awesome.

  10. I cant find in my source after i save on index.php :/

  11. Very cool, I was trying for hours to edit the header to reflect my company.

  12. Abida Sultana Avatar
    Abida Sultana

    I have a footer that i can’t decode.
    In index.php file tehere has not any code like
    My code is


    Please help me. I really need it.
    Your subscribe does not work.please mail me.

  13. Francis Avatar

    Thank you so much!!! I’ve been slaving away looking for a way to edit my footer and “Process 1” worked PERFECTLY!!!

  14. thanks for your tips

  15. Thanks for the tip. A clever way to get around this kind of problem.

  16. no worries Asif, I managed to do it… good luck and keep posting really useful posts!!! cheers, philip

  17. Hello Asif, I found your wordpress footer post very helpful when decodeing a previous footer. Now
    I have a slightly different footer that i can’t decode.

    I did the following steps:
    1. change index.php to;

    2. View page source.

    3. Try to decode the footer php

    I couldn’t decode the footer text so i’m stuck now…

    Hope you can help.

  18. This trick doesn’t always work as I am finding out.

  19. Worked perfectly! You’re a genius, thank you very much..

  20. Dude, You are the MAN!! 5 star…
    Thanks much!!

  21. kreierul Avatar

    can you please decode this for me – thank you

  22. The first process works best 🙂
    I tried it with one theme just for testing though (could not keep it since I don’t have the authority to edit footer)

  23. Great site…keep up the good work.

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