My Session Video At WordCamp SF 2014 On WordCamp TV

Never realized when they uploaded my session video at Here it is, my session about “My life and influence of WordPress”.

I spoke about my life, starting from my town Ishurdi, dream to become a physicist, but eventually became *just an engineer, and then how I fell in love with WordPress – web development, keep making web business for more then ten years, travelled around the world, made good friends, found my niche. It also highlights my folks at our community WordPressians and my little gesture to aware people about the pronunciation of Bangladesh correctly, not like Bang-la-desh, but more like বাংলাদেশ, as a Proud Bangladeshi!

More About This Session:

1) At Wordcamp TV

2) – Introducing M Asif Rahman

3) – Lightning Talks Inspiring Stories

4) Slides at

Fun Facts:
This was actually my 3rd WordCamp session, but both of the other session is not available in WordCamp TV, in both cases organizer could not submit quality video to properly in time.

Asif at WordCamp SF 2014


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